ChildhoodToday workshops The two, four, or six-hour face-to-face workshops are available as stand-alone workshops or in sequence. Interested? Please email us at


These interactive workshops provide practical ideas and skills that can be immediately used in the classroom or at home. They are designed for educators, administrators, parents, caregivers/for-now parents, and family members. The face-to-face workshops can be two, four, or six hours long. The longer the workshop, the more interactive and hands-on. The six-hour workshops allow adults to develop and discuss implementation strategies and receive immediate feedback. The two-hour workshops are primarily informational with some interactive discussion time.

Workshop Content Objectives

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ACEs:A Practical workshop for Educators

The implications of the ACEs studies in classroom and behavior management, classroom set-up, learning strategies, learning styles, differentiation, discipline and most important…self-care! Help young children who have experienced early trauma thrive in your classroom!

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ACEs: When Trauma Meets Trauma in the Classroom. Preparation and Prevention

Find out what to do before, during and after dysregulation happens in your classroom. Develop a plan!

Meet Grace. Grace is Amazing!

Help Grace develop Brains, Heart and Courage to overcome the Effects of Early trauma

Brain = Self Knowledge and Mindfulness

Heart = Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Literacy

Courage = Resilience

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What does a Holistic African Americans(AA) History have to do with Educating Young Children?

Historical/Generational Traumas & ACEs

Contributions and the Building of America

Erosion of AA Middle Class

Racism at the Age of Seven

Resilience and Perseverance

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ACEs: How to develop eXECUTIVE fUNCTIONS sKILLS(EFS) in young children

ACEs: Brain Development and EFS

Incorporating EFS in Lesson Plans and Classroom Management

Self-Love Conversations in Young Children

Additional Workshops

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ACEs:Emotional Intelligence & Social-Emotional Learning in young Children

ACEs Curriculum

Currently in Development

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I Matter Curriculum

The ACEs curriculum is for all early childhood through early elementary children because life challenges all of us.

The ACEs curriculum is literature-based. Each unit uses children’s books as the centerpiece for executive function content.